Change the uplink interval of a Dragino LoRaWAN sensor

I have a couple of Dragino's LoRaWAN temperature sensors in my garden. [1] The LSN50 that I bought came with a default uplink interval of 30 seconds. Because the temperature outside doesn't change that fast and I want to have a long battery life, I wanted to change the uplink interval to 10 minutes.

Dragino's firmware accepts commands as AT commands over a USB to TTL serial line (you need to physically connect to the device's UART pins for that) or as LoRaWAN downlink messages (which you can send over the air via the LoRaWAN gateway). All Dragino LoRaWAN products support a common set of commands explained in the document End Device AT Commands and Downlink Commands.

The Change Uplink Interval command starts with the command code 0x01 followed by three bytes with the interval time in seconds. So to set the uplink interval to 10 minutes, I first convert 600 seconds to its hexadecimal representation:

$ echo 'ibase=10;obase=16;600' | bc

So I have to send the command 0x01000258.

My LoRaWAN gateway is connected to The Things Network, a global open LoRaWAN network. You can send a downlink message on the device's page in The Things Network's console (which is the easiest way), but you can also do it with MQTT (which is a bit harder). The Things Network's MQTT API documentation shows you the latter. [2] The MQTT topic should be in the form <AppID>/devices/<DevID>/down and the message looks like this:

  "port": 1,
  "confirmed": false,
  "payload_raw": "AQACWA=="

Note that you should supply the payload in Base64 format. You can easily convert the hexadecimal payload to Base64 on the command line:

$ echo 01000258|xxd -r -p|base64

Enter this as the value for the payload_raw field.

So then the full command to change the uplink interval of the device to 10 minutes becomes:

$ mosquitto_pub -h -p 8883 --cafile ttn-ca.pem -u AppID -P AppKey -d -t 'AppID/devices/DevID/down' -m '{"port":1,"payload_raw":"AQACWA=="}'

This downlink message will be scheduled by The Things Network's application server to be sent after the next uplink of the device. After it has been received, the device changes its uplink interval.